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Optimalbux Forum

Strategy help

Started by SonnyW1 2018-10-15 at 15:30
1 replies to this topic
Posts: 6
Can anyone give me strategies on how to manage my daily earnings. I am struggling to renew rented referrals and I am going to lose a lot of rented referrals by the end of the month. Please help!!
Posts: 44
Received: $274.170000
Balance: $0.000000
Referrals: 0
the key is to pay a membership, rent referrals until reaching the maximum limit in said membership, renew the referrals to only 15 days when they have 2 days of expiration is little but it is not necessary anymore since the referrals are very active, leave the autopayment always activated and clear you always have to have money in the balance of rent for this to work and increase of membreseri etc. me with the monthly gold and 850 rented rents I earn a month between 50 $ and 60 $ net for now I hope it serves you ..

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